Visit their website for more info : https://www.bobssharpall.net/

Visit their website for more info: http://www.tackshackllc.com/

Jess received her degree in Canine Nutrition in April 2019. Nutrition is the base of healing any ailment – She is here Monday-Friday to help you with your pet from feeding a quality food to adding raw into the diet. She can also aid in the help of how to address proper feeding with organ failures/diseases.

You must have the following on the bag:
- your name
- e-mail address
- a description if your sending in a couple from different batches.
Your hay analysis will be e-mailed directly to you. Your welcome to bring it in if you’d like to go over it or for help adjusting your grain around it.

We do deliveries Tuesday – Friday
Call for the delivery fee to your area.

We strive to help customers with problems with their livestock, fencing, pets, lawns and gardens. We are very knowledgeable to help guide you to cure your problem and if we don’t know, we are more than willing to work with you to help find an answer.